"Our soul must perform two duties. The one is that we must reverently wonder and be surprised. The other is that we must gently let go and let be." Julian of Norwich

...Cancer teaches both!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Don't Be Afraid

Last Sunday I shared a brief reflection on FEAR with the folks at St. Stephen's. After reading a litany of "Do not be afraid" passages from the bible I recalled the wisdom of the great Jedi master Yoda...

“Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering.”

Fear is one of the most basic of human emotions and certainly a frequent experience of those living with cancer. I can admit to considerable fear in my own circumstance...

  • Fear of living in pain
  • Fear of job loss
  • Fear of the pain and suffering caused to loved ones
  • Fear of the unknown journey ahead
  • Fear of death

...to name but a few. I can't deny or minimize the reality of these fears. To be honest, I would even say that fear is an appropriate response given the circumstances!

I understand fear as a natural response to a perceived threat and part of what gets me ready for the "fight or flight" action that should follow. As such, fear is a "good thing" and a motivator to get me into the "fighting spirit" needed to take on cancer treatment. Unfortunately, too much of this "good thing" leads to chronic stress and a suppression of the immune system. NOT a good thing!

So, somehow, "fear" needs to be relinquished, "let go of". Like most challenges in life, this is easier said than done.

For me it is part of the daily soul work of living with cancer… sifting through, sorting out, and letting go of the myriad of “afflictive emotions” that litter the landscape. I find prayer, meditation and a pint of Guinness often helpful here!

Be not afraid… Rob; in Vancouver

“I will not fear, for you are ever with me,
and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.”
Thomas Merton


Anonymous said...

Dear Rob
I have been reading your latest posts - what a great collection of reflection, quotation and music.
Talk to you tomorrow.

barry said...

Sept. 11/09

thanks for the fear reflection, Rob:
it is sound and i relate, too, to Yodi's apt summary of it all: and recall what led the younger Darth Vader to turn to the dark side: that illusory promise of control, even over death!

in the "Answers in the Heart meditation reader", Al-Anon is cited: courage is fear that had said its prayers.

i commend your own saying/sharing of prayers out loud, with us.

in shalom...


Anonymous said...

I love reading your words Dad. You are the patient and the councilor. You know so much and have had to coach so many others through similar situations. I am so proud of you for being open and honest about your feelings. Thank you, Dad.
Miss you,

Love Robyn