"Our soul must perform two duties. The one is that we must reverently wonder and be surprised. The other is that we must gently let go and let be." Julian of Norwich

...Cancer teaches both!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sweet Hour of Prayer

Prayer is truly a universal discipline. In all cultures and traditions, all places and times, people have sought ways to commune with the infinite, with that which is totally beyond us and wholly "other". These prayers may be in the forms of lament, thanksgiving, confession, or petition or they may be times of deep silence, meditation, and a "listening" for God. Prayer takes place in any place and at any time. It may be communal or individual, formal or informal, spoken, sung, chanted, danced, drummed, or silent.

Here's a beautiful healing prayer that comes from the Bahai tradition.

Thy name is my healing, O my God,
and remembrance of Thee is my remedy.
Nearness to Thee is my hope,
and love for thee is my companion.
Thy mercy to me is my healing
and my succour in both this world
and the world to come.
Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful,
the All-Knowing,
the All-Wise.

Deep peace to you all... Rob; in Vancouver

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough." Meister Eckhart

originally posted in July 2007

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