"Our soul must perform two duties. The one is that we must reverently wonder and be surprised. The other is that we must gently let go and let be." Julian of Norwich

...Cancer teaches both!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Choices in Healing

Michael Lerner is the author of “Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer” (availble to read online). He's one of our leading thinkers when it comes to integrated cancer treatment. Here's what he would do if he faced a cancer diagnosis, in his own words…

  • “I would give careful thought to choosing a mainstream oncologist. I wouldn’t need someone with wonderful empathic skills--I’m fortunate to have other people in my life who provide that. But I would want a doctor who was basically kind, and on top of the medical literature regarding my disease. I would look for a doctor who was willing to take the time to answer my questions, and who supported my commitment to be deeply involved in my treatment decisions, and my commitment to complementary therapies. Finally, I would want a doctor who would stick with me medically and emotionally if recovery were not possible and I faced death.
  • I would use mainstream therapies that offered a real chance for recovery, but I would probably not use experimental therapies or therapies with a low probability of success that were highly toxic or compromised my capacity to live and, if it came to that, die as I chose.
  • I would use complementary therapies. I would look for a good support group and a psychotherapist experienced in working with people with cancer. I’ve been a vegetarian for many years, but I would look for ways to enhance my nutrition. I would meditate and practice yoga more often, and spend more time in Nature, taking walks in the woods, by the ocean, and in the mountains.
  • I would definitely use traditional Chinese medicine, both herbs and acupuncture.
  • I would strive for life, for recovery, with every possible tool and resource I could find. But if recovery were not possible, I would also work to face death in a way that deepened my growth and led to some resolution of my life and relationships.
  • I would pay a great deal of attention to the inner healing process that I hope a cancer diagnosis would trigger in me. I would give careful thought to the meaning of my life, what I had to let go of, and what I wanted to keep.
  • I would spend time with the people I value, and with books, writing, music, and my own vision of God. I would do everything I could do that I didn’t want to leave undone. I would not waste time with old obligations, though I would try to extricate myself from them decently.
  • I would try to live my own life my own way. I would try to accept the pain and sorrow inherent in my situation, but I would also look searchingly for the beauty, wisdom, and joy."
Well said Michael!!

TTFN... Rob; in Vancouver

"Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food."


Michael Lerner on Healing


Anonymous said...

Hi Rob,

For some unknown reason the Spirit had me check your old blog this last Sept.... And there you where!

I am so sorry that you are on this journey again. That's a bummer - but your postings are certainly a blessing.

I too am having a repeat. A positive biopsy in October had me searching out our Dr. Wiggins from Prince Rupert days.I had surgery on Nov 2nd in Chilliwack, immediately following doing my niece's wedding at the Vancouver Yacht Club!

Now waiting for Chemo and Radiation plan.

In the meantime I am back at Third Avenue happily preparing for Christmas.

I think of you and check your blog every day. Strength for the journey. We have prayed for you in our congregation. May God hold you and all those you love in the palm of God's hand.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this video. I am a new rectal cancer patient (as of this Monday). I am still in the first devastation days. The video is very helpful. It gives me a new paradigm to think about the upcoming surgery and treatment. Thank you and I wish you all the best with your treatment.
