"Our soul must perform two duties. The one is that we must reverently wonder and be surprised. The other is that we must gently let go and let be." Julian of Norwich

...Cancer teaches both!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Surgery Prep Day

Today marks the day of final surgery preparation.  Tomorrow morning I'll be admitted to Vancouver General Hospital for the sacral resection surgery.  I will be in the hospital for at least 2 weeks.  It could be longer depending on complications and mobility issues.

The highlight of the preparation day is the bowel cleansing procedure which will start later this morning (never my favourite part!).  New to the pre-admission procedures is the requirement for a full body "skin cleanse" with an anti-biotic soap.  This is to prevent the spread of disease resistant MRSA and other "super-bugs".  I'll do one skin treatment tonight and another tomorrow morning at the hospital.  My diet for the day will be clear fluids only.


I had a detailed MRI on Monday so the ortho/neuro surgeons will have an up-to-date picture of my sacrum going into the procedure.  I am most appreciative of this since it means they will be able to refine their approach based on current conditions rather than guessing where the cancer is.  The objective will be to retain as much healthy bone tissue as possible, while ensuring that the cancer is all resected.

Post-Surgery Update

Kelly will write an e-mail note on Saturday or Sunday to let family, friends, and colleagues know how the surgery went.  I'll also ask her to post something to my Facebook wall.  It is a 2-day procedure and I understand that they will keep me asleep through the intervening night.  They will also keep me asleep for sometime after the procedure.  It may be Saturday before I'm revived.

Many Thanks

I am again overwhelmed with the depth of care and support which we have received from family friends and colleagues.  I have received hundreds of notes over the past week.  I have not been able to respond to them all yet but I'll try to finish today.   It truly leaves us with the sense that "we are not alone"!  Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

I will not be posting here until I am out of the hospital.

Peace and blessings... Rob; in Vancouver

"Life is not a matter of holding good cards, 
but rather, of playing a bad hand well!" 
Robert Louis Stevenson


Anonymous said...

Dear Rob,

We are praying for the best possible outcome and know that God will be holding you in His loving arms throughout your surgery and recovery.

With love and prayers,
Mary and Robin (p.s. We tried to send a card via your email address but your mailbox has exceeded the limit. Will try again later today).

Anonymous said...

Dear Rob and Family,

Prayers for each of you as you go through this period of your journey.

Praying for best possible results from the surgery.

Marie who loves kitties from CSN

Anonymous said...

Dearest Rob...so many of us from the colon board are thinking of you and pulling for you. As a fellow canuck I have always felt close to you as you go forward with your battle. Best of wishes and all hugs for your surgery Rob....mags in Ont.

Cheryl Hutcherson said...


Today's one of the two big days. I will be thinking about you both days and sending you tons and tons of golden light. I know you will be sleeping and out of it until probably the weekend, and when you do come awake, will wonder about all that has happened. Just remember... not only are you strong, healthy (and can make a wicked lasagne from what I hear), you live in Vancouver and have access to the BEST surgeons, specialists, oncologists in the world. I know, everyone likes to say that about where they live and that's fine... but the truth is, because of the research going on here, they flock to BC.... so those of us in need of them, happen to be in the right spot!

I'm scratching out our date for coffee at the Sylvia. Seems we both got rather busy and lost track of time. But if we get word that you are doing well and can accept visitors... I think we may have to have our visit at VGH :D

(from the CSN Board)

Anonymous said...


You will be in my prayers as you undergo your surgery. I wish you strength, hope and healing. I know that God has you in the palm of His hand. I sure have missed you on the CNS board.

Dawn (dmdmwins)

patteee said...

always in my prayers Rob. Prayers of peace for Pam and your 3 great daughters. We all love you guys and you are close in our thoughts and hearts over the upcoming hours, days and weeks.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rob. Roger (Crow71) and I (krf) from CSN are thinking of you and wishing you the best.


Anonymous said...

Dear Rob,

I want to wish you the best of everything with preparation, surgery and recovery. AnneCan from CSN

Karin Ljungh said...

Dear Rob,

Both Mark and I have been thinking about you and your family and I sought you out today to find this very difficult journey you and the family have embarked on. My heart, thoughts and wishes are with you all and I will surround you with the brightest light I can.

You are strong and your family is strong I know you will climb this hill as you have the others and reach the other side with a new lease on life.

My prayers are with you :)

A BIG HUG from the music teachers in Rupert...Karin & Mark

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and your family Rob and praying for the best possible outcome.

I will admit too, as a stage 4 rectal cancer person living with cancer...and living well..that selfishly I very much appreciate this blog and your comments, insights, stories, videos, quotes etc etc. I eagerly await the next installment.

all the best, Leslie in WY