"Our soul must perform two duties. The one is that we must reverently wonder and be surprised. The other is that we must gently let go and let be." Julian of Norwich

...Cancer teaches both!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday Update

I received my second dose of Erbitux on Wednesday.  The Irinotecan was dropped due to the severity of the side-effects.  It may be tried again later.  We will see.   As of today I am feeling fairly good so hope that this regime will be tolerable.  I do have the "Erbitux rash", an acne-like rash, on the chest, shoulders, back, face and scalp.  It itches and is a little unsightly but is otherwise managed well with lotion and antibiotics.  Moderate fatigue.

Christmas 2009
The Christmas boxes came up from storage last weekend so it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas around the condo.  Robyn will be home for Christmas, Brandon will be visiting, and my sister Beth and her friend Colin will be joining us from New Brunswick for New Years!  Yeah!  I'm already filled with the Christmas spirit! 

Pollock Family Christmas Blog
Last year I started a "Christmas Blog" in lieu of Christmas cards (which I always found too difficult to fit in with the busy Advent/Christmas church scene).  It was a lot of fun so I invite you to visit there from time-to-time during the season.  Pollock Family Christmas

Be well... Rob; in Vancouver

"The message of Christmas is that the visible material world is bound to the invisible spiritual world."
Author Unknown


Unknown said...

Hello Rob;
You were very inspiring long before your cancer diagnosis and all the more now, I see. Thank-you!

I would love to chat with you if you have some free time. rhysbmartin@gmail.com

Dr. Swill said...

Hello Rob!

Happy Holidays!

I also was given Eurbitux for my oral cancer and by round 4 they cut me off also because of the rash...it was everywhere...EVERYWHERE! I didn't know the palms of your hands and bottoms of your feet could get rashes!

They gave me mega doses of Benadryl that knocked it out in a few days. I hope you didn't have a red Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Peace B

patteee said...

Hi Rob- hadn't seen you around on the cancer board, so here I am looking for you! Hope you are well and enjoying the season
